Sunday, July 31, 2011


Today at Journey Pastor Smooth talked about the Parable in Luke 18. The parable of the Tax collector and the Pharisee. My favorite point was this  “I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14)
Ouch, my toes. 
I need to be more humble and let God work rather than 'trying' to handle the aches and pains of teenage drama. :)

Lord, humble my spirit. and work through me how you'd have me to serve you. 

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Last night, I had the most real dream EVER. So real, it was almost scary.
It was about Christ's return. Yeah, I know.

Anyway, all those who were Christ followers were on a mountain top, gathered together. All nations, cultures, singing praises in all different languages. The sun started setting. It was the most beautiful sunset I think God has ever created(His son was coming for pete's sake). Then it went pitch black, the music stopped. Next thing you know, there was a loud trumpet blast and balss of fire feel from the sky then as quick as they came, they left.. Taking a family with it. One at a time, God came and took a family to be with Him in heaven. It was the most amazing thing. Too real to believe.

Then, I woke up cause I had to get ready for church. I would have loved to have never woken up.. or better yet, be IN the dream. Can't believe God allowed me to see the image that someday, will happen. Too bad I didn't see His face.

Guess this kinda goes with my post last Sunday about a "King on His way."

Thank you God for your faithfulness. and kindness. Thank you for ALWAYS being there and being our intercessor. We love you.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

King on His way

There is a King coming. His Name is Jesus Christ and He's coming back. That's right, he's already come once... The first time, to save us, the second time to take us Home with Him!

Praising God this week as a team from our Church left for Uganda, Africa yesterday to tell more people about Jesus so when he does come back, the people across the world can come with us to Heaven too!